Why Focus on Employee Recruiting?

Recently, there has been a growing emphasis on the recruitment process, which is likely to continue for years to come. Therefore, it is important to understand how your HR or Recruiting teams can land the right candidates in the recruitment process.

One essential part of this is making sure the recruitment process must be focused on attracting candidates who are the right fit for the job, instead of having to cycle clients through your company. This new strategy of targeted recruiting ensures you find the right person, so you can stop wasting time for training, searching, and recycling new employees. There are several keys to the recruitment process that will enable your HR or Recruiting teams to land the appropriate employees. Foremost, in order to be successful, consistency is essential. You should ensure consistency in your talent acquisition processes – in messaging, stated values, and technology across your candidate, employee, and consumer experiences. In a space that is saturated by a plethora of growing companies and startups that are competing for recruits, it is essential you are providing them with the best experience possible.

Consistency is a key part of this strategy because being able to meet with the same recruiter and having a personal approach will help build a strong relationship between the recruit and the company. This sense of comradery will make your company stand out amongst others that will simply make the individual feel like they are a number instead of a name within your company.

Second, do your best to provide realistic job previews to prospective candidates – that is, explain to them what is expected of them, what their role will be within the company, and what tools you will provide them with, so they can succeed. Additionally, make sure that you are transparent when describing the tasks an employee will be doing in their job. Including both the good and bad parts helps provide the recruit with a holistic view of the company and makes them know that you are being honest. They will associate your demeanor with the company making it more desirable for them to join. During the recruitment process, prospective employees should be able to fully describe the skills they can offer your business. The process of hiring new employees is increasingly being influenced by design thinking, which is a process built on empathy and the recognition that employees are fellow human beings rather than workers. A company’s culture should be expressed right from the start of the employee experience, which begins in the recruitment process.

Lastly, during the interview process, leaders should place themselves in the shoes of the applicant and focus on how they are made to feel. As a part of our recruitment process, we create human-centered interactions so that candidates feel like team members instead of just employees. This design-focused thinking should be integrated into the culture of a business because it is at its core a cultural activity. The culture of design and work should be genuinely integrated into the company’s operation. Ultimately, the integration of culture will ensure that you are effectively able to integrate recruits into your team for the long term.

At OCInsights we have a mantra that we want to help you grow your business from within. Our advanced software systems put the best candidates at your fingertips allowing you to find the right hire the first time by being able to look at their background, skills, and contact information within seconds. Whether you are the founder trying to expand your startup or you have a dedicated staff, OCInsights can help provide you with everything to meet your companies hiring needs.